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How to Get Through the Long Winter Months — Storms and All

Did you hear it? Weather experts are predicting the polar vortex may hit the country again this winter. If the winter blues weren’t already bad enough, now, you’re dealing with extremely cold temperatures and a cooped up family. With so much time spent indoors, you’re probably noticing that your kids are running out of things to do and your home needs attention. Here’s a guide to solving both problems.

For your children…

Keep a box of activity ideas handy. When boredom hits, have them choose an idea from the box. Activities can include listening to music, putting on a puppet show, or writing a story (in pictures, for younger kids, and in words, for older ones). Make sure your family has the necessary supplies and tools to use. Keep crayons, colored pencils, paper and other craft supplies handy.

Teenagers are famous for touting, I’m bored, yet wanting to do, literally, nothing. For these challenging cases, keep a list of age-appropriate ideas going. Making a movie, trying out a new wood-burning art kit or building an app may appeal to your teens, especially if these are activities they don’t normally do. The novelty of a new challenge may prompt them to get busy.

For your home…

There’s almost nothing worse than being cooped up in your home, only to be reminded of all of the home-improvement projects that need to be done. Start your own list of to-do’s, and put insulation high on the list. If you’ve never considered what’s behind your walls and in your attic, now’s the time to hire a professional to assess the situation.

With thermal imaging, a technician can tell where insulation is lacking or missing and give you a targeted picture of where to focus improvements. Injection foam insulation can be installed from the exterior without damaging the home. Installers will remove the vinyl siding, make a small hole to pump in the insulation, patch the hole, and then restore the siding.

You can make it through the cold and beat the winter blues. With a little creativity, your family will stay occupied and you can focus on improving your home’s comfort. For more information about injection foam wall insulation, contact USA Insulation today!

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